I’m running for Orem Mayor

By March 25, 2021June 1st, 2021Campaign, Campaign Announcement

Friends and Neighbors,

I recently announced that I am running this year as a candidate for Orem Mayor.  I really appreciate the great efforts by our current mayor and city council and look forward to building upon their solid accomplishments and current momentum.

Our current Mayor, Richard Brunst, announced in January that he would not be seeking an additional term at the end of this year.  I’m grateful to him for his public service and hard work in helping our city move forward.

When former Orem Mayor Jerry Washburn passed away, I submitted my name to serve as interim mayor with 13 other residents and was selected by the city council to serve at that time for the final two years of Mayor Washburn’s term.

During that time, we were in the midst of the great recession and had to tighten our belts to get us through those times.  I really enjoyed working with the city council and staff to make some hard decisions and help us move forward out of those days.

I thoroughly enjoyed my opportunity to serve at that time but was also serving as the Chief Operating Officer for a local software company, Xactware and felt that I needed to focus on my responsibilities there.

I retired from Xactware almost two years ago and feel I now have the time and energy to serve as Orem’s mayor again if elected by our citizens to do so.

Then when I served as interim mayor, and in other public service opportunities that I’ve had, I have always enjoyed serving as a catalyst in bringing all sides together in solving issues and moving things forward in a positive and forward-thinking way.

I commit to do the same as Orem’s next mayor and pledge to seek the necessary input from all sides of the issues in keeping Orem moving forward and ever upward.

Your voice will be heard in Orem’s decisions as we work to protect our neighborhoods, help Orem businesses succeed, and preserve our quality of life.

I welcome your input and ask for your vote and support in the upcoming election for mayor this year.


Jim Evans
Candidate, Orem Mayor

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